Being a cultural fanatic, enthralling folklores continue to keep me lifted and one such tale is the unrequited love between Eto-shing and Gama-shing. It is believed that in the beginning of the world, as much as humans and animal species developed social and biological chemistry with each other; one fine summer, Eto-shing or rhododendron shrub also approached and expressed her love for Gama-shing or Alnus.

However, the short height and warty structure of the rhododendron disgusted Gama-shing and rejected her outright. Eto-shing passionately explained to him that her beauty could only be witnessed in the first and second months of the year yet he couldn't buy her proposal. In her last attempt, requested that even as he rejected her, he should at least come and see her in those two months as friends. To which Gama-shing reluctantly agreed. 

Seasons had passed and it was the time for Eto-shing to bloom. As promised, Gama-shing showed up to see Eto-shing. To his utter surprise, he witnessed Eto-meto blossom in lush and abundance. Those sightings immediately broke his heart. Blushed and out of deep shame, he couldn't face the flowering rhododendron and immediately vanished into the gorge. 

That is why, folks believe that Eto-meto shrubs are usually found on the ridges whilst Gama trees grow in the gorges and ravines today. 

You may like to draw your own moral of the story. Try one out in the comment box.

Story narrated by: Aum Pem, Gaselo.

Rhododendron picture: Wikimedia Commons
